©  carrd template by paletterph.


"Come closer, little one, and let the mist embrace you. In the shadows, truth is but a whisper, and I am its keeper."

  themes of     violence and criminal activities here. Please be advised that this is fiction and I do not condone violence and criminal acts outside of it.

  ffxiv oc     as narrated by Tamamo.  since twenty twenty-three. canon divergent,   private   and   selective. updated for new content.welcome to my edgy boys page, I hope you enjoy the poetry and themes.not interested in romance/sex outside of lengthy character development between characters.
21+ e/RPs
not looking for irl relationship.
english speaking.
i'm a weeb.

“Hi, are you looking for the other side? Feel like nothing ever seems quite right? Are you circling the drainpipe, getting off on pain like You're corrupted? I need to know where your loyalties lie Tell me, are you gonna bark or bite? Do you really wanna twist a knife in the belly Of the monster? Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up Wipe the system and back the fuck up You're a puppet, when they cut your strings off Don't comе crawling back
Kingslayer, destroying castles in thе sky Kingslayer, forevermore the apple of my eye I'd sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the blade Kingslayer, come and collect us from the night”








                       system,   failure  .  .  .
   01     Life is encrypted, you are modified
Like a virus in a lullaby
Artificial 'til the day you die, silly programme
You're corrupted

.  .  .  RETURN HOME.


In a forest deep where shadows play,
A boy named Pan would often stray.
His laughter, light as summer air,
Would draw the children unaware.
With eyes that sparkled like the stars,
He promised games beneath the scars,
But in his chest, a hunger grew,
A darkness that no one yet knew.
“Come dance with me, forget your pain,”
He’d call to them in gentle rain.
Through winding paths and twisted trees,
He led them on with practiced ease.
But in the heart of forest black,
Where sunlight dared not leave a track,
Pan showed the truth he hid inside,
The monster from which none could hide.


He feasted on their fleeting youth,
Their dreams and hopes, their bright-eyed truth.
Each boy who followed, filled with trust,
Was swallowed by his endless lust.
The forest echoed with their cries,
As Pan devoured their lighted skies.
Their laughter turned to hollow screams,
Trapped forever in their dreams.
Yet one day came a different tale,
A girl named Wendy, pure and pale.
With courage bright and heart of fire,
She stepped into the darkened mire.
She heard the whispers of the wood,
And sensed the evil where she stood.
Pan found her there, with eyes so clear,
But in her gaze, he saw no fear.


She played his game, but knew the stakes,
Escaping from his grasp like snakes.
She fled through shadows, thick and tight,
Guided by her inner light.
Pan chased her down, his fury wild,
But Wendy was no simple child.
She slipped away, his spell undone,
And left him as the hunted one.
Exposed to all, his power waned,
No longer could he children claim.
The villagers of Gridania swore,
To hunt the beast who haunted lore.
Pan fled the woods, his heart in dread,
Hid among the living dead.
He took a trade, with death his friend,
A mortician’s role to meet his end.


In this guise, he found new prey,
The souls who walked the line of gray.
He feasted on the dead’s remains,
Sustaining life through others' pains.
Those drawn too close to his cold lair,
Found themselves caught in his snare.
Their spirits lingered, trapped in gloom,
As Pan devoured them, bloom by bloom.
His name became a whispered curse,
A warning in a twisted verse.
The boy who once was legend bright,
Now haunted shadows, cloaked in night.
But still he waits, with hunger deep,
In darkness where the lost souls weep.
And though the tales grow faint with time,
Pan’s hunger drives him to his crime.
In moonlit woods, where shadows creep,
The children whisper in their sleep.
Of Pan, the boy who lost his way,
And hunts the living to this day.
His story lives in silent trees,
A caution carried by the breeze.
Beware the laughter in the night,
For Pan still haunts the edge of sight.

archive:  the dossier.

                       dos·si·er,   noun  .  .  .
   02     a collection of documents about a particular person, event, or subject.

.  .  .  RETURN HOME.

     name       Pan | Goes by Peter.     aliases       Shadowy Figure.     age       unknown.     dob       unknown.     pronouns       He/Him.     gender       male.     orientation       asexual.     status      single.     race       faerie | viera (rava).     residence       Coerthas.     lanuages       Common. Fae speak.

" Light has nowhere to hide in the dark. "

     height       6'8.     weight       225.     build       muscular.     skin       Dark.     hair color       white & Grey.     hair style       Long & flowy.     eye color       Pale Green.     other features       Scars in many places.     style       Dark cyber modern.     miscellaneous       smokes.

     mbti       ENTP.     dnd       Chaotic Evil.     likes       Mischief and Deception, scaring people, bad jokes, flirting, bad habits, cake.     dislikes       Bright, Crowded Environments, Superficial Conversations, Invasive Questions, Expressions of Vulnerability, Moral Absolutism, Reminders of His Past, Excessive Optimism, Compromise of Control.     fears       death.     hobbies       Painting, play fighting, people watching, sketching.     skills       Painting, cosmetology, sketching, sneaking up on others, sewing, biology studies.     positives       Spontaneous, a good listener, deep thinker, hard worker.     negatives       quiet, judgmental, introverted, low energy, intense, solitary, violent, insane.

Pan is an imposing figure whose presence commands attention and stirs unease. Standing tall with a powerful, well-built physique, his muscular frame is unexpectedly impressive, a testament to his supernatural strength. His waist-length silver hair flows in wild, untamed waves, interwoven with braids that cascade down his back like threads of moonlight caught in a storm. The silver locks frame his face in a manner both ethereal and chaotic, adding to his otherworldly allure.His eyes, hidden behind dark sunglasses, glow with an unsettling emerald green intensity. These eyes, rarely seen, hold a piercing and enigmatic gaze that hints at the dark power and secrets he harbors. The sunglasses, though concealing his eyes, do little to mask the magnetic and eerie energy that emanates from him.Pan’s skin bears an unnatural grey tone, a pallid, ghostly hue that further separates him from the mundane world. His body is adorned with intricate tattoos that wind over his skin in elaborate patterns, symbols of ancient power and dark rituals. These tattoos, combined with a series of piercings that line his ears, contribute to his striking and rebellious appearance.Yet, the most striking feature of all is the pair of antlers that emerge from the top of his head, curving upwards with an almost demonic elegance. These antlers, reminiscent of devil horns, are a permanent and conspicuous part of his form, marking him unmistakably as a being of both dark enchantment and primal force. They stand as a constant, haunting reminder of his true nature and the sinister power he wields.

\s\sskill one\s\s
Mistweaving: Pan can manipulate smoke and mist, conjuring thick, swirling fogs that obscure vision and confuse his prey. He uses this ability to create labyrinths of mist within the forest, trapping and disorienting those who enter, making it easy for him to lead them astray or ambush them unseen.
\s\sskill two\s\s
Shadow Puppetry: Pan has the ability to control shadows, shaping them into deceptive illusions or tangible forms that can interact with the physical world. He uses this power to create false paths, hide his true location, or even animate shadows to mimic the presence of other beings, luring victims deeper into his domain.
\s\sskill three\s\s
Enchanting Voice: Pan's voice carries a magical allure that can entrance those who hear it. With his words, he can manipulate emotions, planting fear, trust, or even false memories in the minds of his victims. This power allows him to gain control over others, bending their will to his desires or leading them into perilous situations with a mere whisper.

Once upon a time, in a land where the trees whispered secrets and the moonlight danced through the leaves, there lived a boy who never wanted to grow up. At least, that’s how the story was told, but the truth of the tale was much darker and more twisted than anyone could imagine. The boy’s name was Pan, and he was not just any child—he was eternal, never aging unless he desired it, and that desire came with a terrible price.
Pan would wander the deep, shadowed forests, his laughter echoing like a melody of enchantment, drawing young boys away from their homes. With a promise of endless games and a life free from worry, he lured them into the heart of the woods. But when they were alone, far from the safety of their village, Pan would reveal his true nature. He was not merely a mischievous boy, but a faerie—a being ancient and powerful, older than the fae themselves. And in his hunger for eternal youth, he devoured the boys, their spirits becoming Lost Boys, forever trapped in his forest.The forest was Pan’s domain, a place of solitude where he reigned supreme, hidden so deep within that no one could find him unless he willed it. The trees and the shadows were his only companions, and the laughter of the Lost Boys echoed through the woods, a chilling reminder of the lives he had taken. For countless years, his acts of cruelty continued, unnoticed by the world outside the forest, until one day, something unexpected happened.A girl named Wendy, brave and kind, ventured into the forest. She had heard the tales of Pan and the Lost Boys but was determined to see the truth for herself. When Pan found her, he was intrigued—no girl had ever dared to enter his domain before. He tried to enchant her as he had done with the others, but Wendy was clever and strong-willed. She saw through his facade and, with a courage that burned like a beacon in the darkness, she escaped his clutches.Pan was furious, his power challenged for the first time in ages. Wendy’s escape did more than just wound his pride; it exposed his existence to the people of Gridania, the nearby village. No longer could he hide in the shadows, for the villagers vowed to capture the creature that had terrorized their children for so long. Pan, realizing his time had come, fled the forest, taking on the guise of an adult to blend in with the human world.As the years passed, Pan’s name faded into legend, a story parents told their children to keep them from wandering too far into the woods. He hid away, a relic of a time long forgotten, his once vibrant laughter now a distant memory. The forest grew quiet, and the Lost Boys were never seen again. But those who knew the truth whispered that Pan still lived, his spirit restless, waiting for the day when he might reclaim his youth once more.